Best SAP S4HANA CAR Online Training Course in 2023 with 100% Placement support – VIRTUE Online Training.
- 23,564 Total Students
- 4.5 (1254 Rating)
- 256 Reviews
Overview of SAP CAR
- POSDTA configuration
- Store Settings
- General Control
- Check Profile
- Inbound Profile
- Tasks
- One Step Tasks
- Two Step Tasks
- Aggregation Period
- Transaction Type
- Sales Item Type
- Tax Type
- Means of Payment Type
- Aggregation Tasks
- Discount Type
- Goods Movement Type
- Financial Transaction Type
- Retail Idocs for POSDTA POS Inbound Profile in S4H 1809
- Multichannel Configuration
- Real time Inventory visibility detail & Configuration
- On-Shelf Availability configuration
- Demand Data Foundation detail & Configuration
- Unified Demand Forecast Configuration.
- Detail of Omnichannel Article Availability (OAA) and Omnichannel Promotion Pricing (OPP)
the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. the act or process of imparting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills, as for a profession.
Online education is known for its flexibility, but studies have identified several additional benefits of attending class online.
Instructional methods, course requirements, and learning technologies can vary significantly from one online program to the next, but the vast bulk of them use a learning management system (LMS) to deliver lectures and materials, monitor student progress, assess comprehension, and accept student work. LMS providers design these platforms to accommodate a multitude of instructor needs and preferences. While some courses deliver live lectures using video conferencing tools, others allow students to download pre-recorded lectures and use message boards to discuss topics.