Best SAP HR Online Training Course in 2023 with 100% Placement support – VIRTUE Online Training.
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- What are ERP products
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- sap ag products
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- programme names
Time management
- Define Public Holiday Classes
- Group Personnel Subareas for the Work Schedule
- Group Personnel Subareas for the Daily Work Schedule
- Define Break Schedules
- Define Daily Work Schedules
- Define Period Work Schedules
- Define Day Types
- Define Selection Rules
- Define Special Days
- Define Employee Subgroup Groupings
- Define Groupings for the Public Holiday Calendar
- Set Work Schedule Rules and Work Schedules
- Generate Work Schedules Manually
- Set Default Value for the Work Schedule
- Set Which Hour Fields Are Entry Fields
- Define Working Weeks
- Time mgmt status
- Set Default Value for Time Management Status
- Group Personnel Subareas for Attendances and Absences
- Define Absence Types
- Determine Entry Screens and Time Constraint Classes
- Define Counting Classes for the Period Work Schedule
- Group Employee Subgroups for Time Quotas
- Group Personnel Subareas for Time Quotas
- Define Counting Rules
- Define Indicators for the Personal Calendar
- Assign Counting Rules to Absence Types
- Create Number Range Intervals
- Define Absence Quota Types
- Permit Generation of Quotas in Time Evaluation
- Specify Rule Groups for Quota Type Selection
- Set Base Entitlements
- Define Generation Rules for Quota Type Selection
- Define Deduction Rules for Absence and Attendance Quotas
- Assign Deduction Rules to Counting Rules
- Set Personnel Subarea Groupings for Time Recording
- Group Employee Subgroups for the Personnel Calculation Rule
- Maintain t555a,t555z,t555y,t510s
- Positive time recording with tm00
- Negative time recording with tm04
- Run time evaluation with pt60 or RPTIME00
- GENeration of quotas with time evaluation and without time evlaution
- Reports
- Company
- Company code
- Assign company code to company
- Assign fiscal year variant and chart of accounts to company code
- Personnel area
- Personnel sub area
- Employee group
- Employee sub group
- Assignment of personnel area to company code
- Assign employee sub group to employee group
- Define employee attributes
- Info types
- featuers
- Define info group
- Set up personnel actions
- Hiring
- Transfer
- Termination
- Rehire
- Promotion
- Increment
- Other action types
- Action reasons
- Change action menu
- Maintain user parameters
- Maintain number range intervals for personnel numbers
- Determine defaults for number ranges (NUMKR feature)
- Define administrator
- Define administrator groups (PINCH feature)
- Infotype Menu
- Determine choice of infotype menus
- Dyanamic actions
- Change Screen Modifications
- Info type sub type creation
- Bank creation
- Master date related
- Reports
Organizational management
- Organizational plan
- Plan version
- OM info types
- OM objects
- Relationships
- OM number ranges
- Creation of objects
- Organizational unit
- Job
- Position
- Person
- Task
- Work centre
- Cost centre
- Methods
- Simple maintenance
- Expert mode or detailed maintenance
- Organization and staffing
- General method
- matrix
- Task creation and assignment
- Account assignment
- Cost distribution
- Chief creation and modifications
- Assign position to holder
- Reporting structure
- Work centre creation and assignment
- Integration switches in t77s0
- RHINTE00,10,20 &30 REPORTS
- Reports
the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. the act or process of imparting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills, as for a profession.
Online education is known for its flexibility, but studies have identified several additional benefits of attending class online.
Instructional methods, course requirements, and learning technologies can vary significantly from one online program to the next, but the vast bulk of them use a learning management system (LMS) to deliver lectures and materials, monitor student progress, assess comprehension, and accept student work. LMS providers design these platforms to accommodate a multitude of instructor needs and preferences. While some courses deliver live lectures using video conferencing tools, others allow students to download pre-recorded lectures and use message boards to discuss topics.